01 October 2007

The top 10 political blogs of all time

— as voted for by you, dear readers:

Number 1: me (surprise!)

Number 2: my nearest rival (fortunately now seriously discredited)

Number 3: the blog of the political party I belong to

Number 4: that bloke everyone says they respect (who’s dull as dishwater)

Number 5: that popular swear blog

Number 6: the bloke who keeps getting me all that traffic

Number 7: a buddy

Number 8: another buddy

Number 9: unthreatening blog #1

Number 10: unthreatening blog #2

What a triumph!

The complete list will be published in my forthcoming book, Why I Am The Best Blogger In The World, available from my bookshop, Bloggo's, price £9.99.

(As for the malicious rumours that the reason certain blogs don't appear on my list has something to do with the fact that they compete with regulars appearing on my private TV station: I categorically deny this.)
